Welcome, Western Michigan University travelers. Enjoy exclusive benefits with Hertz Rental Car.
To make a reservation for a Hertz car rental, please use one of the two options below.
Option 1 – to be used when you want to make a reservation for non-authorized personal/leisure travel or when paying on your own. Click Option 1 to proceed.
Option 2 – to be used for a travel authorized direct billing reservation. This is mandatory if you want the rental to be direct billed. Your compliance with this process is appreciated.
When you click box 2, you will be taken to the applicant portal where you will need to input the applicant number and the applicant password.
When you proceed in making the reservation you will get to a screen that displays: “Driver Details”. In that section is a small box that reads: Authorization Number
In the Authorization Box you will need to input your 2 digit cost center # and 7 digit fund #. Example: 23 8473848